Project outputs
Project outputs include the development of the ecosystem service mapping and modelling in marine realm; developed concepts of ecosystem accounting framework in the Baltic Sea environment; developed Natural Capital Accounting concept in the pilot areas by linking the maps of ecosystem services developed with already existing data sources on relevant economic sectors as well as created sustainability compass towards sustainable development goals – indicator based assessment tool for evaluating the sustainability of different marine sectors and a synthetic decision support geoportal for sustainable maritime planning in pilot areas.
Output O.T1.1. “High-resolution maps on the intensity and extent of ecosystem services supply in the transnational pilot area” (2022)
Output O.T2.1.1. “Conceptual model of Natural Capital Accounting” (2022)
Output O.T2.2.1. Regional tools for assessing feed-backs and trade-offs between marine ecosystem and anthropocentric systems (2022). Part 1: User guide for the social-economic models implemented in the geoportal
Output O.T2.2.2. Regional tools for assessing feed-backs and trade-offs between marine ecosystem and anthropocentric systems (2022). Part 2: Explore the relations between cultural services and environmental condition
Output O.T4.1. A functional decision-support geo-portal to support joint decision-making and seek sustainable cross-border planning solutions (2022):
Project deliverables
Project deliverables include various additional research materials from the project – maps as a basis of the analysis that link natural processes, ecosystem services and anthropogenic pressures, summary of cultural service survey and social media, the methods and functions behind the socio-economic models on the geoportal, as well as the data sources of the parameters in the models, user guide of the Sustainability Compass and others.
Deliverable D.T1.1.1: High-resolution maps
Deliverable D.T2.2.1: Methodology for the social-economic models implemented in the geoportal (2022)
Deliverable D.T2.2.2: Cultural Services Assessment Summary of cultural service survey and social media (2022)
Deliverable D.T3.1.1: Report on structure and user guide of the Sustainability Compass
Deliverable D.T3.2.1: Spatial cross-sectoral representation
Deliverable D.T3.3.1: Roadmap for implementing the sustainability compass
Project communication deliverables
Project communication deliverables cover the variety of topics related to the Baltic Sea and it’s provided benefits, ecosystem services in maritime spatial planning, geoportal as a decision support tool aiming to maintain the sustainable management of common natural resources in the Baltic Sea region.
Policy brief “Ecosystem Services in Maritime Spatial Planning” (2022) points that extent of ecosystems and their condition define the ecosystem’s capacity to provide services and these valuable assets should be accounted for maritime spatial planning (Deliverable 6.2.1.)
- Policy brief in English: Ecosystem Services in Maritime Spatial Planning
- Policy brief in Latvian: Ekosistēmu pakalpojumi jūras telpiskajā plānošanā
- Policy brief in Estonian: Ökosüsteemi hüved mereala ruumilises planeerimises
- Policy brief in Finnish: Ekosysteemipalvelut merialuesuunnittelussa
Policy brief “PlanWise4Blue geoportal for sustainable maritime spatial planning” (2022). Geoportal is a decision support tool aiming to maintain the sustainable management of common natural resources in the Baltic Sea region (Deliverable 6.2.1.)
- Policy brief in English:PlanWise4Blue geoportal for sustainable maritime spatial planning
- Policy brief in Latvian: PlanWise4Blue ģeoportāls ilgtspējīgai jūras teritoriālajai plānošanai
- Policy brief in Estonian: Jätkusuutlik mereala planneerimine PlanWise4Blue-geoportaalis
- Policy brief in Finnish: PlanWise4Blue-geoportaali kestävään merialuesuunnitteluun
Info graphic on project results “Ecosystem service mapping, assessment and accounting” (2022) (Deliverable 6.4.1.)
Video animation on project results “Baltic sea ecosystem services for our benefit” (2022) (Deliverable 6.4.2.)
Activities in social media (Deliverable 6.5.1.)