From marine ecosystem accounting to integrated governance
for sustainable planning of marine and coastal areas
From marine ecosystem accounting to integrated governance for sustainable planning of marine and coastal areas


There are 4 main activities in the MAREA project:

Ecosystems service mapping and modelling/ led by Finnish Environment Institute. The main aim of this activity is to  develop an innovative framework to integrate ecosystem structure and functioning with the benefits produced, including regulating services that sustain life.

Ecosystem accounting/ led by Finnish Environment Institute. The Natural Capital Accounting concept will be developed and tested in the Baltic Sea region using high resolution datasets

Sustainability compass/ led by Pellervo Economic Research PTT. The knowledge generated by the environmental accounting system is used and communicated through the Sustainability Compass

Decision-support geoportal/ led by University of Tartu. Geoportal will dynamically link novel concepts of ecosystem services mapping, environmental accounting and sustainability compass into a geo-spatial representation tool tailored for key actors/stakeholders