From marine ecosystem accounting to integrated governance
for sustainable planning of marine and coastal areas
From marine ecosystem accounting to integrated governance for sustainable planning of marine and coastal areas

MAREA project on 3rd ESP Europe Conference

MAREA project on 3rd ESP Europe Conference
The Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP) is happy to announce that its third ESP Europe Regional conference, it will take place in Tartu, Estonia from 7-10 June 2021. The conference theme is Ecosystem Services Science, Policy and Practice in the face of Global Changes’. This conference will be organised as a hybrid event, allowing for both in-person and digital participation. Please find out more on website:  Under Open Topic Sessions there will be held the session NR 06 A Sustainability Compass to support sustainable governance of Baltic Sea. The session will focus on two thematic areas: 1) Trans-disciplinary knowledge integration and transfer for sustainable Baltic communities and 2) Marine sustainable planning and governance. Please visit the conference Session overview to find the overview of all accepted sessions.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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